superfluous nipple hereditary

Third nipple -
Whoah..a nipple [Archive] - ClemsonTALK - Clemson University.
Why do some people have three nipples? - Godlike Productions.
Supernumerary Breast Tissue: History - Medscape.
Abstract, : Supernumerary nipple is a developmental anomaly that occurs. in women and a wide range of congenital and hereditary anomalies have been.
Korean Dermatological Association.
Is it possible to have three nipples - Wiki Answers.

1 Overview; 2 Genetic Etiology; 3 Incidence; 4 Diagnosis; 5 Major Findings .. a high incidence of cardiac abnormalities, supernumerary nipples, polydactyly.
High incidence of supernumerary nipples and twins in Formosan macaques ( Macaca ... Accessory mammary tissue associated with congenital and hereditary.
May 8, 2012. Of course extra teats and double orifices are hereditary.look at .. OK Maybe this is TMI but, In humans a third nipple working or not, is genetic.
Méhes K. Association of supernumerary nipples with other anomalies. J Pediatr . tissue associated with congenital and hereditary nephrourinary malformations.
superfluous nipple hereditary
Supernumerary Nipple Associated with Unilateral Renal Agenesis.
third nipple by ~feenikslintu on deviantART.